Sunday, May 11, 2008


(Recipe thanks to Nancy R.)

1 cup All Bran cereal
1 cup sugar
1.5 tsp salt
2 pkgs yeast
1 cup boiling water
1 cup shortening
2 well beaten eggs
6 cups flour

1.5 lbs. ground beef
1/4 head of cabbage or 1 can sauerkraut
1 onion

In a large bowl, pour boiling water over All Bran. Add sugar, shortening, & salt. Let cool, then add beaten eggs. Dissolve yeast in 1 cup warm water & add mixture. Add flour & mix as for any rolls. Let rise, then work down. Let rest 10 minutes or more.

Cook ingredients in tightly covered pan for 20 minutes, then cool. Make rolls & flatten each one & top with filling. Fold dough over the meat & seal. Place on a greased pan with folded side down. Let rise. Bake in 375 degrees oven for about 20 minutes.
I place extra in gallon bags & keep frozen. When ready, I cut & place sliced cheese inside and then microwave for 30sec - 1 min until warm.

Rating: A
I LOVE these things! My husband makes fun of me because I could eat them for every meal:)

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